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Driven by passion to bring about equality in society and ensuring harmony amongst people in his geography, Atchuta (The Founder) started a non-profit organization, named ESTAH Society in the year 2009 that not just allows people to get a fair idea about what they can make out of their lives but also allowing them to get a grip with the right financial backup.

ESTAH seeks to initiate and sustain 3-4 Farmer Producer Companies that Include Innovative practices of mutli-cropping, animal husbandry and added services.

Social Problem

There is a huge need for sustainability in rural livelihoods and income security in argriculture, with the help which farming communities can thrive. There is also a need to bring an organized effort to revolutionize this sector help enable better outcomes for poor farmers with small landholdings.


The FPO model could potential impact 2500+ farmer families in the next 3 years. Every 2.2 Cr of investment could :

1. Double annual income for 50 farmers
2. Fund 5 years of Elementary Education for one a child across 50 farmiing families
3. Improve soil quality and nutrients across 75 acres of land
4. Remove usage of harmful chemical or pesticides from 50 farming location

Recognition so far

ESTAH has received the Kalpavruksha Award at IIM Indore in 2018, for being the "best in innovation" in the agriculture segment of the competition. Further, the ESTAH FPO proposal is currently being evaluated by the UK India Innovation Fund.

Go2C’s Involvement

Go2C helps to provide strategic inputs to ESTAHs work and also create channels through which their financial needs for newer project can be met. Go2C has also funded the procurement of a tractor for the ESTAH collective.

For more information, please visit the project website