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Nutrition Pilot Faridabad

Social Impact

A Program toward creating strengthened nutritional awareness in communities


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The Social Problem

Malnutrition is one of the most concerning development and health issues in India as well as in other parts of the world today.In India, the issue is a glaring emergency. According to National Family Health Survey-4 (2015-16), 35.8 percent of children under the age of five years are underweight (low weight for age), 38.4 percent are stunted (low height for age), and 21 percent are wasted (low weight for height) The percentage of underweight children is 12 times the expected level worldwide. The nutritional status of Indian children is much worse than the expected and acceptable levels in all indicators.The situation is no different even in a state like Haryana with a higher GDP, where only 7.5 percent of children between 6-23 months receive an adequate diet

About Nutrition Pilot

In line with our desire to espouse and serve causes that solve the problem of hunger, hidden hunger and sound nutrition practices across India. In this regard we partnered earlier with Nourishing Schools, a nutrition initiative of Ashoka : Innovators for the Public. The Nourishing Schools initiative reaches out to children aged between 9-14 years through their schools and surrounding communities and empowers them through grounded hands-on techniques with which they can take charge of their own nutrition. We have also partnered with the Women and Child Department, Faridabad,Haryana to bring knowledge of nutrition onto the ground, specifically into the households and kitchens of the caregivers of these children. To be able to do this, Go2C has chosen a pilot location called Rahul Colony, a slum-dwelling community of migrant workers in the middle of Faridabad. It was quite challenging to develop nutritional awareness in a community which lives hand-to-mouth. Many caregivers are not able to pay attention to their children as they are daily wage labourers or maids working in multiple homes and cannot care for their own.


This is a Pilot initiative under Go2C and the impact currently under progress